Photography is more than a Passion
Ryan T. Nelson
Photo by Alejandro Hurtarte.
Growing up, I’ve always wanted the next “big thing”. A big thing that I was drawn to was the next Apple product that came out. I remember saving up for a MacBook when I was 15 and finally getting to use to my disposal to where I came across apps like iMovie, Photobooth, and Garageband. I quickly began to use these apps and learn more and more about them over the years. My childhood friend Alex was big into film and making movies, as soon as we started hanging out I was hooked. We, including more of my friends, made countless of videos and showed them to our friends and family. My greatest interest in this journey was the idea of producing these movies and visuals, the whole process I truly loved. As I got older, we moved on from childish movies to more serious of movies such as short films and series. During this time I began shooting stills of the landscapes and realized how beautiful they were. This began a whole new look through my lens that lead me to shooting The Grand Canyon, bands and artists, events and festivals, winning awards and being featured in Nikon’s Best College Photography in 2014. Today, I am still doing what I love to do, producing images and films for wonderful people, for it’s more than passion, it’s what I see through my eyes and I’m fortunate to share that each and every single day.
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